Sunday, January 5, 2020

Improving Road Safety with Transport Chains

The logging industry is a hazard-prone field, although its dangers are not necessarily unforeseeable or unavoidable. With proper precautions, loggers and truckers can very well prevent many accidents when transporting timber.

The transport chain is an extremely important trucking accessory for log and heavy equipment/product transporters. Any industry that handles heavy equipment and loads is subject to many road and transport hazards. For a logger, it is crucial to know how to properly use loading equipment to make sure that their cargo remains safe as they are transported to the pulp mill, plywood mill, or sawmill.

Cutting trees down is only the beginning of a wood-based product’s journey. Once felled, these trees must be properly loaded onto trucks so they can be transported to the proper destination where they can be further processed as a final product. Knowing how to use truck winch accessories and chains and binders for flatbed trucks is a critical skill for any trucker or logger tasked to transport timber. Mastering how to secure logs on a flatbed is an exercise in safety to avoid road hazards due to fallen or spilled loads. Truck cargo is best secured using a logging transport chain or the right type of tie down strap to ensure the highest level of safety on the road. Height and weight standards and guidelines, as set by the DOT, must also be kept in mind to ensure maximum safety.

Logging trucks are designed specifically with posts and cradles to ensure minimal slippage and shifting of loaded timber. However, even with these additional safety features, unpredictable road conditions can still make transporting heavy loads challenging. This is why it is important to find ways to use chains and binders for flatbed trucks more effectively to minimize the risk of accidents on the highway.

Losing a load on the road can be extremely problematic, especially as vehicles rush by full speed. Ensuring maximum stability of loaded timber is crucial to prevent cargo from shifting even as you encounter tough road conditions. Finding high quality transport chain, truck winch accessories, and binder equipment is important to help improve your cargo truck’s safety.

When loading log and timber for transport over long distances, exercising utmost care and caution is important, especially since you are sharing the road with other motorists and drivers, who themselves, are at risk should your load securement accessories fail.

At Tarps4Less, you’ll find the widest range of truck load securement accessories and tools at the best prices, providing you the most reliable equipment to ensure utmost safety on the road.

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